

篇名 发展本科高职的误区及其校正
並列篇名 Misunderstandings on the Development of Four -Year Vocational Higher Education and Their Corresponding Rectifications
作者 李均 、魏书敏
中文摘要 当前发展本科层次的高等职业教育存在三个认识上的误区:把高职混同于专科、把本科高职当成扩大了的专科高职或普通本科教育、把升格专科高职作为发展本科高职的惟一模式。论文对这些误区加以剖析,并逐一进行校正。
英文摘要 This article aims to lucubrate some misunderstandings on the development of four─year vocational higher education, i.e., to confuse vocational higher education with technological college education, to take four─year vocational higher education as simply lengthened on e or equate it with undergraduate education, and to consider promotion of two─year vocational higher education as the sole approach to develop four─year vocational higher education. On the basis of thorough analysis made above, the author advances some rectifications correspondingly.
頁次 41-43
關鍵詞 本科高职 概念 特征 发展模式 Four-year vocational higher education concept characteristics pattern CSSCI
卷期 1:6
日期 200311
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學