

篇名 对落实高等学校办学自主权的再认识
並列篇名 The Recognition on Democratic School-running Authority Implementation
作者 熊庆年
中文摘要 扩大办学自主权是在特定历史条件下提出来的,政府政策的基本点是经济的考虑,而不是”学术自治”的要求,作为政府的行政让渡,”落实”成为一个漫长的过程。学校法人性质和办学自主权法律属性的不确定,以及社会法制意识的淡漠,使法律实际被空置。由于制度性变革相对滞后,制度短缺尤其突出,使权力德部到有效的制约,权利得不到保障。高等学校办学自主权落而不实,需要审视”办学自主权”本身的”合法性”。
英文摘要 The decision for giving more automatic school-running authority was put forward in the special historical conditions. The main reason for this policy is regarded as the economic issue, not the academic requirements. In that case, the implementation of this policy still has a long way to go. With the uncertainty of university’s body of corporate and the democratic authority in school-running, as well as the ignorance of law and weak sense of being law-abiding, the power is out of effective restriction while the right cannot be ensured. As the universities democratic authority of school-running is not implemented thoroughly and effectively, it should be put more focuses on the valid of the democratic authority.
頁次 65-68
關鍵詞 高等学校 管理 办学 自主权 Higher education management school-running democratic authority CSSCI
卷期 2:1
日期 200401
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學