

篇名 关于区域教育均衡发展策略的管理伦理分析
並列篇名 Management Ethics Analysis of Strategies to Advance Education Equity of Districts
作者 左晓梅
中文摘要 区域教育均衡发展是近年来基础教育发展的热点问题,很多理论研究者和教育实践工作者对区域教育均衡发展进行了不同角度的研讨和探索,部分区域开始实践探索区域教育均衡发展的各种推进策略。本文试图从管理的公正、人本、效益的伦理性原则对这些策略存在的伦理风险进行分析,以期进一步改善区域教育均衡发展,并从区域教育管理的层面,提出了加强系统性思考,进一步关注管理效益和制度调整,重视学校内生性发展等建议。
英文摘要 Education equity in district is the focus issue of basic education development recently. Many education researchers and practitioner debate and explore the issue. Some districts have started explored the strategies to improve education equity from different aspect. Wuhou County of Chengdu City has implemented the model of binding urban schools and rural schools,Shenyang City has implemented the system of big school district. The article will try to analyse the ethical risk of the strategies according to the ethical principles of equity,people oriented and benefit in management. The aim is to improve the education equity in district and to put forward some suggestions, such as systemetic thinking,focusing on the management benefit,adjusting the systems and attaching importance to endogenous development of schools and so on.
頁次 021-031
關鍵詞 公正 人本 效益 持续发展 内生性发展 equity people oriented benefit sustaining development endogenous development
卷期 8:6
日期 201112
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學