

篇名 光復後(1945-1960)臺灣師範學校課程與教學之研究
並列篇名 A Study of the Curriculum and Instruction of Taiwan Normal Schools after Restoration(1945-1960)
作者 沈翠蓮(Shen, Tsuey-lian)
中文摘要      1945-1960年為台灣師範教育之「師範學校」時期,1960年後逐年改制為「師範專科學校」,1987年改制為「師範學院」。師範學校時期課程與教學,影響師範生的教育專業知能、精神與社會流動相當深遠。本研究採取文獻探討與口述歷史(oral history)方法,針對當時的文獻史實和二十八位就讀師範學校師生的口述歷史,探究當時課程與教學的實況,以了解師範學校課程的演變、特質,和師範學校教學活動,並從教育知識社會學的觀點,論述當時師範學校課程的選擇、課程的組織和教學的實施,發現以下特點:師範學校課程設計重視社會重建取向,課程組織兼融普通課程和教育課程,課程實施促成精英的流動。本研究最後並根據上述研究結果做出結論。
英文摘要      It was called normal schools in Taiwan during 1945-1960. After 1960,normal schools were changed to junior teachers' colleges year by year. Andjunior teachers' colleges were changed to teachers' colleges in 1987. Thecurriculum and instruction of the period of normal schools influenced theeducational professional knowledge and skills, spirits as well as social movementprofoundly. The documentary analysis was used to analyze the historical sourcesin this research. Oral history was also utilized to interview 10 teachers whowere taught and 18 students who were studied during 1945-1960 in normal schools.By adopting the above-mentioned two research procedures, the circumstances ofthe curriculum and instruction at that time were explored. We could understandthe curriculum development and its features as well as its teaching activitiesin normal schools. From the point of view of the sociology of educationalknowledge, the curriculum selection, curriculum organization and teachingimplementation of normal schools were reviewed.The findings showed that:1.The curriculum planning of normal schools emphasized the orientation ofsocial reconstruction.2.The curriculum organization combined general curriculum and educationalcurriculum concurrently.3.The curriculum implementation helped materialized the fluid of the elite.4.According to the findings of this research, some conclusions were drawned.
頁次 227-259
關鍵詞 師範教育 課程 教學 教育史 Teacher education Curriculum Instrucation Educational history TSSCI
卷期 15
日期 199906
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系