

篇名 大學生性別與生涯決定轉變之探討:台灣高等教育資料庫之運用
並列篇名 The Career Decision-making of College Students: The Evidence from Taiwan Higher Education Database
作者 黃秀穗 、陸偉明
中文摘要 隨著台灣大學畢業生愈來愈多,生涯教育與就業的問題也愈來愈受到重視。大學的男女生比例一向均衡,但男女學生所就讀的科系卻有很大的差異。本文為前導性研究,主要藉由「台灣高等教育資料庫」進行次級資料的描述性統計,呈現台灣男女大學生就讀傳統性別科系與非傳統性別科系學生從一年級到三年級的生涯決定及其轉變情形。分析發現,在大一時期,就讀傳統性別科系的女生最有意願「參加職業證照或國家考試」、非傳統性別科系男生願意「準備出國留學」,傳統性別科系的男生則考慮「準備考試或甄試國內研究所」,頗能符合性別角色期待與社會文化。但到大三後,就讀非傳統性別科系男生還會考慮「參加職業證照或國家考試」與「準備出國留學」,傳統或非傳統性別科系女生反而轉變為不再考慮。此生涯轉變較男性為多的現象值得有關單位重視。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to investigate the difference of nontraditional major and traditional major college students’ career decision-making between sex and the career change from the first year to the senior year. The measurements used in this study were the first year survey and the senior years’ survey by Taiwan Higher Education Database. Descriptive statistics and the chi-square test were used to analyze the data. The results show that in the first year of the college, female students in female-dominant majors tended to prepare the examinations for certificates, male students in female-dominant majors tended to study abroad, and male students in male-dominants tended to prepare for graduate school examination. From the first year to the senior year, the inconsistent career changes were found among male- and female-dominant majors for different sex. According to the findings, implications for further research and practice were discussed as well.
頁次 97-119
關鍵詞 生涯轉變 nontraditional major gender segregation sex differentiation career change 非傳統性別科系 性別隔離 性別差異
卷期 4:1
日期 200906
刊名 高等教育
出版單位 台灣高等教育學會