

篇名 建立大学生与高校法律争议解决机制急议
並列篇名 Establishing Mechanisms for Settling Legal Dispute for Higher Education Institutions and their Students
作者 黄明东 、冯惠敏
中文摘要 随着社会转型的不段推进,高等学校内部的管理体制也随之发生转变。其中,大学生在高等学校的受教育权将更为突显,其法律主体地位也会逐步发生变化。由此而导致的大学生与高校之间的法律争议也将增多,为此,需要建立一个相应的解决机制,公正、高效地解决大学生与高校之间的法律争议问题。本文从建立和完善大学生与高校间法律争议解决机制的政策和法律法规、设立大学生与高校之间法律争议解决的受理机构、创建案例数据库、选拔和配备相应的工作人员等四个方面教为系统地论述了大学生与高校法律争议解决机制建立的构想。
英文摘要 With the progress of social transitions, the internal management of higher education institutions(HEIs) has also changed. Among these changes, students in HEIs have become increasingly conscious of their tight to education, and their legal status has gradually changed. Recent years has seen an increase in legal disputes between HEIs and their students, hence it calls for establishing a fair mechanism to settle such disputes. This study discusses four main actions concerning such mechanism─making and improving relevant policies, laws and regulations, setting up special agencies to handle the disputes, setting up case database, training and housing specialist staff.
頁次 114-118
關鍵詞 dispute settling mechanism higher education institutions(HEIs) university and college student 解决机制 法律争议 高校 大学生 CSSCI
卷期 29:6
日期 200812
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學