

篇名 清華大學和美國大學在學習過程指標上的比較:一種高等教育質量觀
並列篇名 Assessing Tsinghua University and US Universities on Learning Process Indicators: an approach of higher education quality
作者 海迪˙羅斯 、羅燕 、岑逾豪
中文摘要 本研究对目前各种高等教育质量评估取向加以了分析和批评,指出学习过程性指针对于高等教育质量评估和保障的重要意义。在引进、修订美国当前最有影响的一套大学学习过程性指针NSSE(National Survey of Student Engagement)的基础上,本研究对清华大学和美国大学的本科教学进行了比较。研究结果显示,在整体水平上来说清华大学的本科教学和美国同类院校乃至美国总体大学水平之间不存在根本差异,但和美国最优异的本科教育相比清华还存在一定差距。
英文摘要 Analyzing five current approaches of higher education assessment, the authors argue that Learning Process Indicators(LPI)bear great significance for both college education assessment and quality assurance. This research adapted a set of most influential LPI, namely NSSE, into the context of Chinese higher education, basing on which the authors compare Tsinghua college education with that of US categories. The research results show that on the whole Tsinghua scores at the same level with its US parallels(research universities with very high research activity)and US universities as a whole. However, if comparing to the top 10% level of US college education, Tsinghua still has a way to walk.
頁次 36-42
關鍵詞 NSSE US University Tsinghua University Higher Education Quality Assessment Learning Process Indicator NSSE 美國大學 清華大學 高等教育質量評估 學習過程指標 CSSCI
卷期 29:2
日期 200804
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學