

篇名 私立高等教育与公共政策:私立高等教育在经济现代化过程中的角色
並列篇名 Private Higher Education and Public Policy:Defining Private Roles in a Modernizing Economy
作者 罗杰.L.盖格 、刘红燕
中文摘要 每个国家都把维护其高等教育的利益视为首要的任务,在一个正在现代化的经济中,”充分教育”就如同充分就业一样已经成为实现社会和个人价值的潜在目标。私立高等教育是实现充分教育的一种理想途径,它不但为高等教育增加了资源而且拓宽了招生途径。当然,私立高等教育也存在许多不足,甚至还存在一些质量问题。公共政策应该保护私立高等教育的利益,减少其币端。对实施”充分教育”的私立大学给予法律的保护,为其学生提供资助。公共政策的目标是确保公私立高等教育的共同发展。
英文摘要 The state has always looked first to guarantee its own interests in the system of higher education. In a modernizing economy, the ideal of “full education, ” like full employment, has emerged as a goal for realizing the maximum potential of individuals and of society. Contributions from non─state institutions of higher education may be helpful and desirable for achieving full education. Private sectors can mobilize additional resources for higher education, thus helping to expand access. However, private higher education also has widely recognized weaknesses, most often questionable quality. Public policies should aim to secure the benefits of private higher education and avoid the drawbacks. Such policies should be to provide legitimacy to private institutions that make positive contributions to full education and subsidizations to students of private sector. The goal here should be the upholding of universalistic standards for opportunity and achievement in both sectors of higher education.
頁次 21-25
關鍵詞 私立高等教育 modernizing economy public policy 经济现代化 private higher education 公共政策 CSSCI
卷期 1:3
日期 200307
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學