

篇名 教育问:后工业时代的学习与社会
並列篇名 Questioning Education:Learning and Society in a Post—Industrial Era
作者 程介明
中文摘要 在后工业时代的知识社会,我们需要一种什么样的教育,本文试图从工作场所发生的变化开始分析和回答这个问题。工作场所的显著变化体现在三个方面:大型组织中的工作小组、中小型企业和个体工作者构成了当今后工业社会中的组织型态。这些机构组织不稳定,可以在很短的时间内变动、改组、合并甚至瓦解。随之而来的是个人的职业生活也是完全不同:工作流动性增强,工作方式更灵活,个人需要具有创造性、有团队精神、能够应变、善于探索、随时随地准备学习新知识、可以自如地跨越专业跨越文化。这些变化使教育中的筛选、专门化、念书、资历等概念面临严重的挑战。另一方面,教育领域一些表面上看似零碎和孤立的创新性变革正在悄然发生,促使我们对”教育”概念进行整体性的重新思考。本文分析了教育活动的四个基本范式,即关于教育目标的甄选范式、关于教育过程的教学范式、关于教育组织的法理范式以及关于教育建制的知识控制范式,从而对现代教育进行了宏观的分析和思考。初歩结论是,仿如农业社会向工业社会的转变一样,我们当前经历的是一个从工业社会向知识社会的根本性变革过程,必须对年轻人的整体学习过程进行重新思考,并设计出适合这种学习过程的教育。
英文摘要 What kind of education do we need in the knowledge society of the post—industrial era?This paper purports to answer this question based on analysis of changes in the workplace. It shows that task forces in large organizations small and medium enterprises and free—lancers form the spectrum of organizations in contemporary post—industrial societies. These organizations are volatile, may be changed, restructured, merged or dismantled in relatively short periods of time. As a consequence expectations of individuals are now different:they are required to have abilities such as communication, team—working, managing changes and uncertainties, being ready in learning new things anywhere and anytime, moving cross specialist borders and cultures. With these changes come challenges to screening, specialization, study and qualifications. It is identifiable that piecemeal innovative changes are happening in education. However, many of the thoughts and practices of today’s education are deep—rooted in paradigms that have seldom been challenged. Thee paradigms including the paradigms of selection, learning, rational—legality, and knowledge control are then analyzed in detail. The author concludes that facing a fundamental societal change from an industrial society to a knowledge one, it might be the right time to re—examine the entire process of young people’s learning, and design education in ways that match that process.
頁次 5-14
關鍵詞 后工业社会 知识社会 教育革 工作形态 范式变迁 post—industrial society knowledge society educational reform workplace paradigm shifts CSSCI
卷期 3:4
日期 200510
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學