

篇名 有关中国农村外出务工者培训的相关分析
並列篇名 The Analysis on Skill Trainings for Rural Migrants in China
作者 黄平 、马春华
中文摘要 随着中国经济增长模式从依赖劳动力数量和质量转向主要依赖劳力的质量,职业技术教育和就业后的培训对于农村外出务工者来说有着越来越重要的意义。本文在总结了现有农村外出务工者培训的政策框架和培训体系/模式之后,指出根据中国社会科学院社会学所和联合国科文组织2002 ~ 2007实施的”我们在一起”项目在八个项目点的研究,培训对于农村外出务工者是非常有用的;在归纳了该项目八个项目点各具特色的培训模式之后,提出对于农村外出务工者提供培训应该注意就近培训、就简培训、引导性培训和沟通性培训。
英文摘要 While the economic growth pattern in China is transforming from depending on quantity an quality of laborers to depending mainly on quality of laborers, vocational skill training in senior high and on—job—re—education and skill training become more important for rural migrants. Can rural migrant workers benefit from the existing skill—training patterns under the current policy and institutional framework in China?After summarizing the policy framework and training system / regulations for the skill—training of rural migrants, the paper points out that the studies in eight pilot sites of the “Together with Migrants ”Project, initiated and conducted by Institute of Sociology, CASS and Beijing Office, UNESCO, show that the skill trainings have significant positive effects on rural migrants, such as increasing their income, improving their working and living conditions, and helping them integrate into local community. The skill training patterns with different characteristics in eights pilot sites are introduced in the paper, to name a few:(1)Training sessions in community.(2)Simple skill training workshops suiting to local circumstances.(3)Introductive training sessions, for basic legal and health knowledge.(4)Communicative training sessions for establishing social network between trainees.
頁次 77-86
關鍵詞 农村外出务工者 培训 我们在一起项目 CSSCI
卷期 5:3
日期 200707
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學