

篇名 学生是高等教育的消费者吗:来自国外的相关讨论
並列篇名 Are Students Customers of Higher Education:The Oversea Discussion
作者 黄启兵
中文摘要 在高等教育领域实施全面质量管理很难确定谁是消费者。由于学生学费只是部分教育成本,学生与高校双向选择,学生与教师互相评估,这使得将学生看作消费者面临很多问题。将学生看作消费者会引起学生的短视、逃避责任、学术标准降低与师生对抗等教育问题。在高等教育领域,学生还被界定为原材料、劳动者、学习者、产品、伙伴、利益相关人,等等,但所有这些界定都存在商业文化与学术文化的冲突。
英文摘要 It is hard to identify who are the customers in higher education. It is also very difficult for students to be regarded as customers: the tuition of students is only part of the cost of their education, students and higher education institution choose each other, students and faculty evaluate each other. Moreover students being regarded as customers may lead to the short-sight of students, the evading the sense of responsibility from students, the dropping of academic standards and the conflict between students and faculty. Apart from customers, students are also defined as raw materials, workers, learners, products, partners and stakeholder etc. All of these definitions entail conflicts between commercial culture and academic culture.
頁次 25-29
關鍵詞 全面质量管理 学生 消费者 利益相关人 total quality management students customer stakeholder CSSCI
卷期 30:1
日期 200801
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所