

篇名 立法者与阐释者:大学专家在”校院合作”中角色之嬗变
並列篇名 Legislators and interpreters:change in the role of experts in the process of school ─university collaboration
作者 卢乃桂 、操太圣
中文摘要 大学专家进入中小学从事教育研究是一种”校院合作”现象。长期以来,这种合作存在一种不平等的知识╱权力关系。大学专家在此过程中控制着”权威性话语”,扮演着”立法者”角色,教师仅仅是其生产出来的知识的消费者和应用者。本文从一种新的认识视野,认为大学专家的话语和角色将发生变化,他们将秉持”解释性话语”,扮演”阐释者”角色,在与教师真诚地对话与交流中创建具有真正意义的”校院合作”关系。
英文摘要 It is commonly assumed that when experts of higher institutions conduct research in schools, they are engaged in “school─university collaboration”. This paper argues that such collaboration is base on an unequal relationship of knowledge and power. In the process of knowledge creation, university experts have control of “authoritative discourse” and play the role of legislators. Schoolteachers become merely the consumers and applicators of knowledge so created. From a new perspective, the experts’ role should be transformed from one of the legislator to that of an interpreter. In their dialogue with schoolteachers, university experts should adjust their role in order to afford authentic school─university collaboration. as
頁次 18-21
關鍵詞 大学专家 教师 学校 大学合作 教师发展 university experts teachers school─university collaboration teacher development CSSCI
卷期 1:1
日期 200301
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學