

篇名 树起人生支点:初中教育的本来意义
並列篇名 Establishing the Stronghold of Life : On the Original Meaning of Secondary Education at Junior High Schools
作者 喻立森
中文摘要 目前的初中学生最难教,初中教师最难当,初中校长最难做。缘何?因为教育观念莫衷一是、误区太多,初中学生又处于人生中的“多事之秋”,初中教师恰好处在教育系统链条中的“咽喉要塞”,初中校长更是置身于社会批评教育的“风口浪尖”当中。初中学生的鲜明特点在于强化“人生支点”的自我意识,初中教师的根本职责在于培植“人生支点”的坚实根基,初中校长的特殊使命在于扬起“人生支点”的前进风帆。夫如斯,不可不重视初中教育,不可不善待初中学生,不可不珍视初中校长和教师。
英文摘要 At present, it is widely recognized that it is the most difficult to be junior high school teachers and serve as their principals, because this is the period of secondary education where there are too many misconceptions in education, junior high school students are at their junctures of life and principals are at the focus of criticisms. The main tasks of junior high school students lie in strengthening their self - consciousness of “life stronghold” , responsibilities of junior high school teachers in laying solid foundation of “life stronghold” and special missions of their principals in propelling their life forward. Therefore, it is necessary to attach much importance to junior high students, their teachers and principals.
頁次 080-085
關鍵詞 初中教育 初中学生 初中教师 初中校长 人生支点 secondary education at junior High schools junior high school students junior high school teachers principals at junior high schools life stronghold
卷期 10:5
日期 201310
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學