

篇名 美国银行街教育学院儿童课程的特点与启示
並列篇名 Features and Implications of Children Education Program of Bank Street College of Education In the USA
作者 郑小贝 、洪明
中文摘要 美国银行街教育学院儿童课程是"幼-小\"一体综合性课程,包括家庭中心课程、儿童学校课程、课外活动和夏令营活动四种类型。具有七个方面的特点:"整体儿童"的发展目标,"儿童中心"的教学原则,"互动-发展"的教学模式,系统递进的内容衔接,能力取向的教学策略,相容自洽的师资培养和广泛合作的支撑系统。这种课程体系对我国当前幼儿教育的启示主要体现在整体儿童发展观的树立,儿童动手和创造能力的培养,幼小衔接以及社会支持系统的培植四个方面。
英文摘要 The Children program of Bank Street College of Education in the USA is an integrated course that connects the course of Kindergarten and that of primary school closely, including the following four forms: Family Center, School for Children, After School and Summer Camp. It demonstrates seven features: the goal of developing the "whole child", "children centered" teaching principle, "developmental-interaction" teaching approach, progressive coherence of the content, "ability-oriented" teaching strategies, "self-consistent" teacher training, "broad-cooperation" supporting system. The implications of this curriculum for our current early childhood education mainly manifest four aspects as follows: Establishing the concept of overall development of children, developing the creativity of children, connecting the courses of Kindergarten and primary school appropriately and creating the social supporting system.
頁次 056-062
關鍵詞 银行街教育学院 儿童课程 学前教育 Bank Street College of Education children education program pre-school education
卷期 9:3
日期 201206
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學