

篇名 臺灣大學校院辦理樂齡學堂執行成效之分析
並列篇名 The Analysis of Implementation Effectiveness of College-Initiated Elderhostel Programs for Elderly Learning in Taiwan
作者 林麗惠
中文摘要 臺灣於2008年起,開辦老人短期寄宿學習計畫,續於2009年擴大辦理樂齡學堂,將臺灣高齡學習的實施推向新的階段。本研究旨在分析大學校院辦理樂齡學堂的執行成效。為能兼顧課程提供者和學習參與者之觀點,分別就樂齡學堂的課程內容,以及高齡學習者的滿意程度進行探究。在樂齡學堂的課程內容部分,採內容分析法,根據28所辦理學校提供的成果報告進行課程內容分析;在高齡學習者的滿意程度方面,本研究採電話訪談方式進行調查,共計獲取534個有效樣本。經統計資料分析後,提出四項結論,包括:樂齡學堂提供七類課程內容、高齡者對於參與學習活動感到滿意、高齡者願意繼續參與類似的學習活動、高齡者參與學習活動後,覺得生活更快樂;在此一結論的基礎上,本研究分別針對大學校院、教育部及未來研究提出建議。
英文摘要 The Ministry of Education has sponsored universities to implement the project of college-initiated elderhostel programs for elderly learning in Taiwan since 2008. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the implementation effectiveness of this project, which is composed both providers and participants perspective. From the perspective of providers, 28 college-initiated elderhostel programs are analyzed by content analysis about courses. From the perspectives of participants, there are 534 samples selected by random sampling, that have participated in college-initiated elderhostel programs. The result from our analysis shows that: (1) there are 7 types of courses provided by 28 collegeinitiated elderhostel programs; (2) elderly in general are satisfied with collegeinitiated elderhostel programs they participated; (3) elderly learners will continue to participate in such programs; and (4) elderly learners feel happier after participating in such programs. Working recommendations are proposed based on our findings for college, government and future research.
頁次 033-066
關鍵詞 高齡學習 執行成效 樂齡學堂 college-initiated elderhostel programs implementation effectiveness elderly learning
卷期 17
日期 201112
刊名 成人及終身教育學刊
出版單位 中華民國成人教育學會等