

篇名 謝東閔先生習慣領域解析
並列篇名 Analysis of Mr. Hsieh Tung-Min's Habitual Domains
作者 卓文乾(Chuo, Wen-chien) 、陳寶貴(Chen, Pao-kuei) 、張翠園(Chang, Tsui-yuan)
中文摘要 謝東閔先生歷任黨、政、教等要職計56年,從自治基層、民選議長到首任臺籍省府主席和副總統等職務。其將一生對家庭的關愛與家政教育的熱心,擴展到省政建設藍圖的規劃與推動,進而畢其一生心力貢獻給整個社會國家;他是一位深具創意構想的政治家,也是一位務實的省政建設推動者,更是一位平實務實的教育家。本文採用文獻分析法,蒐集整理謝東閔先生相關文獻資料,再以習慣領域理論架構解析,期使世人更加瞭解東閔先生的成長歷程、日常生活、人格特質、行事風格、辦學理念以及對臺灣文化、教育、民意、行政工作…等的貢獻;從而瞭解其豐富之習慣領域,進而學習成長。
英文摘要 Mr. Hsieh Tung-Min's served in many key positions of party, politics, and education for 56 years, including local governance, governor of Taiwan Province, and Vice President of the Republic of China. Through his love for family and passion for home economics education, he promoted and planed the blueprint of provincial development. His whole life's effort was contributed to the society and the nation. He was a politician with vision and creativity, a practical promoter of provincial development, as well as a plain and practical educator. The research relies on document analysis, collecting and organizing literature data of Mr. Hsieh Tung-Min, then analyzing it with the theory frame work of Habitual Domains. The purpose is to make people have better understanding of Mr. Hsieh's growing process, daily life, personality and traits, acting styles, educational philosophy as well as his contribution to Taiwanese culture, education, public opinion, and administrative work. We can all learn and grow from the richness of his habitual domains.
頁次 137-150
關鍵詞 習慣領域HD Habitual Domains 謝東閔 Habitual Domains HD Tung-Min Hsieh
卷期 1:2
日期 201006
刊名 習慣領域期刊
出版單位 國立交通大學資管所習慣領域研究室、社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會