

篇名 Holmes與King比較教育方法論之比較與評述
並列篇名 Compares and Critiques between Holmes' and King's Methodologies in Comparative Education
作者 范慶鐘
中文摘要 自二十世紀1960年代以來,方法論的議題成為比較教育領域的關注焦點。Holmes參酌Popper批判二元論、Dewey思維術及社會變遷理論等觀點建立方法論的模式,試圖透過問題解決法來尋求更嚴謹的科學方法以建立教育科學;King則受Popper情境邏輯、法則、預測與Whitehead主客體思想和不斷否證的創新精神等論點影響,強調決策交流的重要性,主張採用教育洞察法來達致特定的目的,且認為教育研究應重視教育環境的生態脈絡,強調人的主觀與個殊性。2位學者誠為學術界的不朽耕耘者,對於當代比較教育之影響均極深遠;然2位學者主張大相逕庭,分別從不同的角度,提出個人對比較教育研究的理論與方法,各持相異意見。本文就2位學者方法論的觀點加以探究,並提出對2位學者比較教育方法論觀點之評析,再就其理論基礎、研究典範取向、理論架構、研究目的和研究焦點等面向加以綜合比較,以明瞭兩者方法論對當代比較教育之影響,希冀對比較教育研究有所助益。
英文摘要 Since 1960s, the issue of methodological debates has become the concerned focus in comparative education. B. Holmes' methodological model, problem-solving approach, based on K. Popper's critical dualism, J. Dewey's work, and social change theories, aims to construct the field, education, as a scientific discipline. Moreover, E. King's methodological perspective, educational insight method, borrowing from Popper's ideas of situational logic, laws and predictions, and A. Whitehead's ideas of the relation of objectto-subject and falsificationism, urges educational researchers to pay attention to social ecological contexts, and individual subjectivity and particularity. This article explores Holmes' and King's methodological perspectives, and proposes critiques. In addition, the paper examines Holmes' and King's theoretical differences among theoretical bases, paradigm approaches, theoretical frameworks, research purposes and research foci, in order to enrich academic horizons in comparative education.
頁次 001-034
關鍵詞 B. Holmes E. King 批判二元論 問題解決法 教育洞察法 B. Holmes E. King critical dualism problem-solving approach educational insight method
卷期 69
日期 201011
刊名 比較教育
出版單位 中華民國比較教育學會