

篇名 个人利益抑或公共利益:教育改革的两难困境--从我国重点学校制度的沿革说起
並列篇名 A Dilemma in Educational Reform for Mismatching of Individual Interests and Public Interests:the Development of Key School System in China
作者 朱丽
中文摘要 在教育改革中,如何兼顾个人利益和公共利益,是一个两难困境。这种两难困境源于教育资源的有限性与不同利益之间的冲突,以及教育兼具工具价值与内在价值。教育改革中这种两难困境可能的超越途径在于通过公共协商使得决策具有公正性,制定教育改革法,政府站在弱势群体的立场上制定政策。
英文摘要 It is a difficult dilemma to give attention to individual interests and public interests in educational reform. This is resulted from the lack of educational resources, the conflict among stakeholders, and mismatching of instrumentalism and intrinsic values. The approaches working out these problems are to make decision through public negotiation, and to stipulate for Educational Reform Act standing for the disadvantaged group.
頁次 27-30
關鍵詞 个人利益 公共利益 教育改革 两难困境 Individual Interests Public Interests Educational Reform Dilemma
卷期 6:1
日期 200901
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學