

篇名 台灣與新加坡國立大學通識教育課程之比較個案分析
並列篇名 Case Study on the Comparison of the Curriculum of General Education between Taiwan and Singapore: National Normal Kaohsiung University and National Singapore University
作者 林寀雯 、黃有志
中文摘要 通識教育於現今大學教育中扮演重要的角色,其旨在以全人教育的理念培養學生為兼具專業能力與普世知能之世界公民,其課程具有多元、創新、適性、整合的特質,此外,更進一步藉由通識教育課程之規劃與落實,提供學生運用批判思考與創造力的學習機會,培養其此方面之能力。我國通識教育發展始於1958年教育部頒布之「大學共同必修科目」,迄今已走向更為彈性且多樣性的發展趨向,但由通識教育課程評鑑結果顯示,許多校院仍未建立通識教育課程之完整架構。本文以國立高雄師範大學及新加坡國立大學之通識教育課程為例,比較分析兩校通識教育課程規劃與實施狀況,進而提出相關建議與未來通識教育發展之方向。
英文摘要 The motif of General education is to cultivate students to be global citizens with both professional and general knowledge; furthermore, students could foster their critical and creative thinking through multiple, innovative, appropriate curriculum of General education. Though the tendency of the improvement of Taiwan’s General education has turn inflexible as well as versatile, yet the results of the official assessment for General education reflected the deficiencies within the procedure of the construction of General education. The purpose of this article aims to compare the curriculum of General education of National Normal Kaohsiung University with that of National Singapore University, to analyze the differences of their curriculum of General education, to explore the policies for the improvement of General education based on the advantages and the shortcomings of the comparative conclusions.
頁次 81-107
關鍵詞 通識教育課程 National Singapore University National Normal Kaohsiung University holistic education curriculum of General education 新加坡國立大學 國立高雄師範大學 全人教育
卷期 66
日期 200906
刊名 比較教育
出版單位 中華民國比較教育學會