

篇名 大学教学改革应重视对课程知识选择的研究
並列篇名 University Teaching Reforms Should Attach Importance to Researches about Curriculum Knowledge Choice
作者 李庆丰
中文摘要 深化课程内容改革是大才养这一本体性功能回归的内在要求;大学课程的质量和特色已成为国际化高等育时代大学胜出的核心竞争力。在我国高等教育从精英教育向大众化的转变过程中,政府提高高等教育教学质量的政策取向、高校办学自主权进一步扩大等,为大学积极展以课程内容改革为核心的校本研究提供了很好的制度平台。另外,加强对课程知识选择的研究有助于测化对教育学基本规律的认识。
英文摘要 To deepen reforms in curriculum is the internal demand for university to return its functions of talent cultivation. to improve the quality and develop the characteristics of curriculum have become key factors that determine whether a university will survive in the international competition of higher education arena.. Within the landscape of transition from elite to mass, Chinese government is still insisting on improving higher education quality and giving universities more authorities to reform curriculum which has provide conditions for universities to initate school-based researches. Such research activities will help us to understand the basic principles of pedagogy profoundly and enhance our researches about curriculum knowledge choice.
頁次 27-31
關鍵詞 教学改革 大学课程 知识选择 CSSCI
卷期 6:3
日期 200805
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學