

篇名 「多層次」的動畫繪本設計與閱讀指導:統整性閱讀教材編製的新嘗試
並列篇名 The Design and Reading Instruction of the Multi-layered Animated Picture Book: A Tryout of the Trans-disciplinary Reading Material
作者 莊麗娟(Chuang, Li-chuan) 、侯天麗(Hou, Tien-li) 、邱上真(Chiu, Shang-chen)
中文摘要 本研究係依據「多層次文本」的理念,發展適用於學前跨學科領域的統整性教材,經由研究者對「多層次兒童動畫繪本」之編製原則與內涵的詮釋與專家效度的檢驗,除支持跨學科統整性教材編製的可行性之外,它亦增進專業領域間的優質對談,同時保持各學科領域知識的獨立性,更重要的是它似可克服實施一般主題式統整課程可能產生的缺乏學習深度的困境。研究者進一步透過「多層次閱讀」的策略,以編製的「多層次兒童動畫繪本」進行閱讀指導,研究結果發現「多層次閱讀指導」可提供學前兒童,包括自閉症與輕度智能障礙兒童「多層次閱讀能力」的發展機會。未來應可朝更具延伸性的「多層次」的動畫繪本設計與閱讀指導,以發展兒童「多層次閱讀能力」。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to develop a trans-disciplinary curriculum for pre-and primary school children based on the guidelines of designing the multi-layered texts (Watson, 1993). The results were shown that developing a trans-disciplinary curriculum integrated systematic buoyant concepts with rewritten famous children's story was doable. Furthermore, a good quality of confrontation among disciplines was processed. And at the same time the knowledge of different disciplines could keep their independence and the deficits of traditional topic types of integrated curriculum could be overcome. Further research such as multi-layered teaching approach had been tried to examine the multi-layered learning effects of performing a trans-disciplinary curriculum. The results had shown the multi-layered learning effects.
頁次 79-103
關鍵詞 多層次文本 多層次閱讀指導 多層次閱讀能力 浮力 繪本 課程統整 Buoyant concepts Multi-layered texts Picture books Trans-disciplinary curriculum TSSCI
卷期 21
日期 200312
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系