

篇名 论印度“整体性儿童发展服务”计划中的幼儿教育
並列篇名 Pre-school Education under the Integrated Child Development Services Scheme in India
作者 安双宏
中文摘要 整体性儿童发展服务计划是印度中央政府为了改善妇女和儿童的福利、全面提高幼儿教育水平而采取的重要措施。该计划持续时间长,影响面宽,得到了有关国际组织的大力支持。虽然至今没能实现预期的普及目标,但它取得了令人瞩目的成就。
英文摘要 The Integrated Child Development Services Scheme is an important measure taken by the Indian Central Government, which aims at improving the weffare of women and children and to enhance the level of pre-school education. The Scheme lasted for a long period, having influenced widely and gained strong support from relevant international organizations. Although it failed to accomplish its expected universal goal, it has achieved conspicuous success.
頁次 44-46
關鍵詞 government intervention pre-school education India 政府干预 印度 幼儿教育 CSSCI
卷期 30:8
日期 200808
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所