

篇名 教育中技术的价值探讨
並列篇名 The Value of Technology in Education
作者 单美贤(Shan, Mei-xian) 、李艺(Li, Yi)
中文摘要 技术化生存阶段,关注技术与教育的关系既是技术哲学界的使命,也是教育界的使命。本文侧重于从价值论的角度来探讨教育与技术的关系。价值论强调价值关系是主客体关系的本质,并不是贬低实践关系的重要性,我们把“教育中技术的价值”理解为技术对于教育的生存和发展过程中所实现的人的价值,本质在于手段价值和目的价值的统一。
英文摘要 In the stage of the technological existence, one mission of the technological philosophic academic field and educational academic field is to pay attention to the relationship between the technology and education. This paper analyzes the relationship between the technology and education from axiology. Axiology not only emphasis that the value relationship is the essence of the relation between object and subject, but also pay attention to the practice. “The value of technology in education” presents the human being’s value which comes through by technology during the education existence and development.
頁次 59-66
關鍵詞 purpose value method value subject of value object of value 价值客体 目的价值 手段价值 价值主体 CSSCI
卷期 14:2
日期 200804
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學