

篇名 141
Enhancing Young Learners’ Listening through Reflective Journaling
並列篇名 從反思記錄談兒童英語聽力學習
作者 莊琍玲(Chuang, Li-ling) 、陳怡君(Chen, Yi-chun) 
中文摘要 學習策略發展學生自我學習的模式,提升學習效能,而學習日誌具有讓學習者自我反思之特質,兩者結合可幫助學生清楚了解學習策略的本質、其運用時機以及其運用方法。本研究旨在探討運用學習日誌融入聽力策略教學對台灣國小學生英語聽解力以及聽力策略的使用頻率之影響。研究對象為中部地區公立國小五年級兩班共60 位的學生,其中一班隨機指定為實驗組,另一班則為對照組。此融合學習日誌的聽力策略教學實驗歷時十週;每週,研究者藉討論、示範、練習、評估和延伸活動教授實驗一個聽力策略,總共教授四個聽力策略:事前組織、導正注意、選擇注意和再次檢查,內容涵蓋後設認知策略。在實驗期間,對照組只給予聽力練習和測驗,而實驗組則除了聽力練習和測驗外,還接受聽力策略教學和記錄學習日誌。研究結果顯示在明顯聽力策略教學後,實驗組在聽力測驗的表現遠優於對照組,表示運用學習日誌在聽力策略教學有助於提昇國小學生的英語聽解能力。而實驗組學生在聽力策略運用上的進步,顯示出聽力策略教學能提昇學生使用策略的頻率。此外,大部份學生於學習日誌及問卷中,對學習日誌融入聽力策略教學持肯定態度,並表示在聽力策略教學之後,較不容易緊張,對自己的英文聽力更有信心,更激發其英文學習的能力。
英文摘要 Listening is a discrete but critical component of language learning. The listening complexity is often magnified in L2 acquisition contexts as listeners have incomplete control of the language. Listening demands learners to actively engage themselves in brining in their background knowledge and linguistic knowledge to interpret the aural text. To effectively align sounds with meaning, language learners require intentional listening that uses strategies for greater decoding.
Developing tasks that foster strategy use for listening skills is thereby vital for L2 learners to thrive on language learning.On top of receptive listening approaches, this study investigates the impact of journaling with listening strategy instruction on EFL young learners’ listening
comprehension. Sixty fifth graders in central Taiwan participated in eight especially designed listening lessons. Four selected listening strategies, advance organization,directed attention, imagery, and performance evaluation, were integrated into the listening lessons. At the post-listening phase, students were asked to write learning journals to reflect on their listening experiences individually. The journals focus on specific aspects of knowledge regarding the strategies employed in organizing and consolidating the listening text.After the eight lessons of listening instruction, the results revealed that students in
the experimental group made significant progress. Students reported a deeper understanding of the strategy use in listening and held positive attitudes toward the listening instruction. The conceivable improvement made by the experimental group suggested that listening strategy instruction through journaling facilitated student’s listening comprehension. The strategy instruction with journaling has shown to be an
effectively integrated approach in helping EFL young learners cope with comprehension difficulties and increase their confidence with better listening success.
頁次 141-153
卷期 5
日期 200907
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學