

篇名 協作領導的意涵及其在教育上的應用
並列篇名 Collaborative Leadership and Its Applications to Education
作者 吳清山 、王令宜
中文摘要 領導是組織運作的核心,關係到組織的發展及效能。隨著社會快速變遷及科技高度發展,值此講求團隊合作的時代,因應社會發展的需求,協作領導已逐漸成為領導研究的新取向。本文旨在探究協作領導的意涵及其在教育上的應用,首先詮釋協作領導的意義及內涵;其次說明協作領導的立論基礎;接著分析協作領導在教育上應用的價值與可能的限制;最後提出協作領導在教育上應用的實際作為,包括進行背景環境分析等七大項。
英文摘要 Leadership is the core of operations in organizations and impacts on organizational development and effectiveness. With the rapid social changes, and the high developments in science and technology, as well as the era of emphasis on teamwork, it requires more collaborative leadership. Therefore, collaborative leadership has gradually become a new approach to do research about leadership. This paper aims to explore the concept of collaborative leadership, and its applications in education. We begin our discussion by exploring the nature of collaborative leadership. Next, we analyze the rationale of collaborative leadership. Then, we examine the value and limitations to its applications in education. Finally, We present the practices of successful collaborative leadership in education, including SWOT analysis etc.
頁次 001-029
關鍵詞 協作領導 參與決定 collaborative leadership participative decision-making
卷期 1:2
日期 201112
刊名 教育行政研究
出版單位 中華民國教育行政學會