

篇名 国内商务口译教材的出版和编写研究
作者 盛丹丹
中文摘要 随着翻译专业的设立和口译课程的普遍开设,对商务口译等复合型教材的需求日益凸显。商务口译教材旨在帮助学习者运用双语进行国际商务活动中专业性较强的口译行为。目前,国内对于商务口译类教材的研究并不多见。本文通过对2003年~2009年国内出版的17本商务口译教材进行调研,试图了解目前国内商务口译类教材的出版和编写现状,以期引起对商务口译类教材编写的关注以及对培养商务领域专业口译人才的重视。
英文摘要 With the establishment of the translation undergraduate and postgraduate programs and the opening of interpreting subjects in colleges and universities around the country, the demand for textbooks for the subject, among other ESP textbooks, is ever more urgent. Business interpreting textbooks are designed to help the target users to interpret for international business activities. However, research on this type of textbooks is in dire need. In this light, the paper researched 17 textbooks on Business interpreting to explore the progress made in their publication and compilation, in the hope of drawing attention to the relevant issues and the teaching of Business interpreting in higher education institutions.
頁次 89-90
關鍵詞 商务口译 教材 出版 编写 Business interpreting Textbook Publication Design
卷期 423
日期 201006
刊名 中外教育研究
出版單位 中外教育研究編輯部