

篇名 從世界制度理論談全球化下之台灣課程改革
並列篇名 Interpret Taiwan’s Curriculum Reform in the Global Context: A World Institutional Perspective
作者 柯宜中
中文摘要 本文試圖從世界制度論的課程社會學觀點來詮釋台灣過去二十年來中小學的課程改革,並提出對未來課程發展的建議。作者首先闡述世界制度論之基本概念與主張,包括其理論發展之歷史背景、世界社會與世界文化之概念、國民教育與課程之角色與功能;接著再以世界制度論觀點來重新解讀台灣的國教課程改革,針對義務教育塑造現代公民及階級再製兩大功能來做論述。最後從全球教育趨勢的角度來反思台灣未來課程走向,建議投入更多資源提昇生活品德教育,累積有關於做人處世道理(knowledge of being human)之相關教材教法。
英文摘要 This paper intended to explore Taiwan’s curriculum reforms at elementary and junior high school levels within the past two decades from a world institutional perspective. The investigation began with the fundamental concepts and tents of the world-institutional perspective, including the historical background of the theoretical development, the central concept of ‘world society’ and ’world culture’, and the roles of curriculum in world society. An interpretation of Taiwan’ s curriculum reform based on the theoretical strands of the perspective was then provided. The discussions focused on the two main functions of modern schooling as an institution: constructing modern citizens and reproducing class. Situating Taiwan’s curriculum reforms within global education trends, the author reflected on the future of Taiwan’s curriculum. The reflections pointed to developing the teaching of knowledge of being human for Taiwan’s educators on our curriculum reform in the next decade.
頁次 29-62
關鍵詞 世界制度理論 Global Educational Trend Sociology of Curriculum World-Institutionalism 全球教育趨勢 課程社會學
卷期 7:1
日期 200806
刊名 中正教育研究
出版單位 國立中正大學教育學院