

篇名 市场化与保护网--日本私立大学经营危机对策研究
並列篇名 Marketization and Safety Net——Countermeasures the Administratve Crisis at Japanese Private Universities
作者 胡国勇
中文摘要 战后日本私立大学在政府的控制与扶持之下得到迅速发展,但20世纪90年代以后,由于日本18岁人口减少,以及在政府高等教育市场化政策之下大学之间激烈的市场竞争,使得部分私立大学陷入经营危机。为避免私立大学经营危机带来的冲击,日本政府试通过建立私立大学经营危机预警机制以及建立私立大学破产处理程序以保护学生的利益。但日本私立大学经营危机处依然存在着制度不够完备、学生保护措施薄弱等诸多问题。
英文摘要 Japanese private universities were rapidly developed with governmental control and support after World War II. However, due to the decrease of the population aged 18 after 1990’s and severe competition among universities under high education marketization, part of private universities were plunged into administrative crisis. In order to ease the the administrative crisis at private universities, Japanese government tried to protect students’ benefits by establishing early warning mechanism against administrative crisis and bankrupt disposal procedure for private universities. However, there still exists many problems in the process of dealing with the administrative crisis, ,such as defects in policies as will as system, unsubstantial protective measures for students and etc.
頁次 79-86
關鍵詞 日本 私立大学 市场化 保护网 CSSCI
卷期 6:4
日期 200807
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學