

篇名 大学课程设计自学指南:如何设计课程以促进意义深远的学习
並列篇名 A Self-Directed Guide to Designing Courses for Significant Learning: Designing Courses That Promote Significant Learning
作者 L. Dee Fink 、李康
中文摘要 作为大学老师,为了达到好的教学效果,我们必须能够做好两项活动,既要做好课程设计,又要做好师生互动。就这两项活动而言,我们的课程设计能力常常是制约因素。《创造意义深远的学习经历:大学课程整合设计方案》一书作者,美国俄克拉荷马大学教学发展项目部主任L. Dee Fink博士撰写了一份大学课程设计的自学指南,旨在给大家介绍一套系统有效的课程设计程序,帮助大家学会怎样进行课程设计。指南包括课程整合设计的三个主要阶段,每阶段包括开篇的介绍性评价,读者可以加以使用的工作簿,以及读者在课程设计过程中可以对自己提出的一些问题,以对自己的设计实践进行推敲。
英文摘要 In order to increase the quality of teaching, we, as college teachers, need to engage in two closely related, but distinct, activities. First, we design the courses by gathering information and making a number of decisions about the way the courses will be taught. Second, we engage in teacher-student interactions as we implement the courses we have designed. However, of these two activities, our ability to design courses well is usually the most limiting factor. Dr. Fink, the author of Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses, has designed A Self-Directed Guide to Designing Courses for Significant Learning, intending to provide a practical guide for college teachers to draw upon for their course design. In this guide, three major phases of course design are included, with each having introduction, worksheet and a list of questions that can be raised in course designing process.
頁次 72-80
關鍵詞 大学教学 课程设计 意义深远的学习 自学指南 Course design College teaching Significant learning Self-directed guide CSSCI
卷期 6:1
日期 200801
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學