

篇名 商專人力供需預測及業界需求之分析
並列篇名 Prediction in the Supply and Need of Manpower with Junior College of Commerce Degree and Employment Needs of Enterprises
作者 周春美(Chou, Chun-mei) 、沈健華(Shen, Chien-hua)
中文摘要 本研究旨在瞭解技職體系商專人力的供需趨勢及事業單位的雇用需求,為達此目的,本研究以灰色理論、人力銀行徵人資料庫及事業單位深度訪談等方法,預測未來五年商專人力的勞動供給及產業對商專學歷相當職種的缺工需求,透過深度訪談及104人力銀行的求職資料庫中,以商業與服務業中的金融證券、國際貿易、企管顧問、百貨零售及餐飲服務五種業別為對象,共計3052筆資料,以瞭解僱主雇用專科人力的要求條件。研究發現未來五年專科學校的商管科系中的企業管理科系學生未來可能面臨就業機會短缺的困境,而商業事務、會計及金融等科系則有較多的就業機會。專科學歷人力仍是職場的主力,對於英文應用能力及Office軟體應用能力,尤其是中文輸入能力,以及積極的工作態度與配合度,是僱主對於專科人力應具備就業能力的期待。
英文摘要 This study aims to understand the trend of supply and need of manpower with junior college of commerce degree and employment needs of enterprises. Using gray theory and depth interview, researchers analyze data in the 104 Job Bank to predict the supply and need of manpower with junior college of commerce degree in following five years. Subject, in this study, are employers from commerce and service industry, including banking, international trade, business administration and consulting service, retailing as well as food and beverage service. There are 3052 data in total. According to results, students in department of business administration are likely to face the shortage of employment, while students in departments of business affair, accounting, and banking have more opportunities to get employment. Meanwhile, manpower with junior college degree is mainly demanded in the job market. In addition, employers put great emphasis on application of English, Office software operation, especially Chinese key-in, and positive working attitude as well as obedience.
頁次 177-198
關鍵詞 灰色預測 就業能力 專科人力 Gray prediction Entry ability Manpower with junior college degree TSSCI
卷期 22
日期 200406
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系