

篇名 温故而知新    践行以育人 ─ 清华大学实践教育浅析
並列篇名 Historical and Current Development of Practical Education at Tsinghua University
作者 陈永灿 、郑俊辉 、张佐
中文摘要 通过实践教育全面育人,是清华大学在长期办学过程中逐渐形成的一条优良传统。在歩入知识经济时代的21世纪,清华大学广大师生结合为国家建议培养和造就更多优秀人才的目标,针对新形势和新问题,通过开创性的实践探索,为今天的实践教育赋予了新的内涵。
英文摘要 Practical education, denoting nurturing and educating students through practice, has been a long─cherished tradition of Tshinhua University. As we enter the age of knowledge economy in the 21st Century, the task of educating more high─quality students and graduates for national development is facing new challenges and opportunities. In respect of this situation, the faculty and students of Tsinhua University endeavour to expand and enrich the nature and scope of practical education through innovative efforts.
頁次 8-12
關鍵詞 practical education human resources development 实践教育 人才培养 CSSCI
卷期 27:1
日期 200602
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學