

篇名 普通高校现代远程教育办学机制研究
並列篇名 Running Mechanism of Modern Distance Education in Higher Education Institutions
作者 樊文强 、雷庆
中文摘要 现代远程教育已成为高等教育的重要组成部分,正在改变本专科层次学历教育的结构。网络教育学院、学科型学院、学习中心、合作企业(机构)是普通高校现代远程教育办学的主要参与方,并以网院 中心构成西方三角合作结构。本文通过分析办学机制,认为普通高校应协调网络教育与学校的整体发展,提升网院与学科学院的合作层次;加强对校外学习中心的指导,保持自己的教学特色;正确处理规模与效益的关系等。
英文摘要 Modern distance education had been being an important part of higher education system, and changing its structure now. Online education schools, academic schools, learning centers and other cooperative organizations are the main partners in modern distance education. A triangle model is used to illustrate their relationships. After examining the running mechanism of modern distance education, several opinions were discussed:higher education institutions should integrate online education into their overall development;cooperation between online education schools and academic schools should be promoted;guidance for learning centers should be enhanced;and arranging the relationship between scale and benefit correctly.
頁次 80-83
關鍵詞 running mechanism online education institutes modern distance education 办学机制 网络教育学院 现代远程教育 CSSCI
卷期 14:6
日期 200812
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學