

篇名 多媒体学习的认知体系
並列篇名 Cognitive Architectures for Multimedia Learning
作者 斯蒂芬.K.里德
中文摘要 本文对主要的认知体系进行了概述,据此可以形成多媒体教学设计的理论基础。这些认知体系包括对记忆存储、记忆编码以及认知操作的描述。与多媒体学习相关的认知体系有Paivio的双重编码理论、Baddeley的工作记忆模型、Engelkamp的多模块理论、Sweller的认知负荷理论、Mayer的多媒体学习理论以及Nathan的动画理论。本文重点讨论传统研究和教学应用之间的交互作用,教学应用主要渉及如何增加回忆率、减少干扰、降低认知负荷以及加强理解等方面。得出的初歩结论是:虽然各自有所侧重,不同的理论之间仍有一些共性;这些模型中缺乏对学习者多元编码整合作用的研究;在心理仿真足够的情况下并不需要动画教学;动作必须有意义才能有效果;多模块教学比单个不同的特定仿真更加有效。
英文摘要 This article provides a tutorial overview of cognitive architectures that can form a theoretical foundation for designing multimedia instruction. Cognitive architectures include a description of memory stores, memory codes, and cognitive operations. Architectures that are relevant to multimedia learning include Paivio’s dual coding theory, Baddeley’s working memory model, Engelkamp’s multimodal theory, Sweller’s cognitive load theory, Mayer’s multimedia learning theory, and Nathan’s ANIMATE theory. The discussion emphasizes the interplay between traditional research studies and instructional applications of this research for increasing recall, reducing interference, minimizing cognitive load, and enhancing understanding. Tentative conclusions are that(a)there is general agreement among the different architectures, which differ in focus;(b)learner’s integration of multiple codes in under─specified in the models;(c)animated instruction is not required when mental simulations are sufficient;(d)actions must be meaningful to be successful;and (e)multimodal instruction is superior to targeting modality─specific individual differences.
頁次 28-36
關鍵詞 multiple representations LTM STM multimedia learning 多元编码 长时记忆 短时记忆 多媒体学习 CSSCI
卷期 14:3
日期 200806
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學