

篇名 “入世”后新加坡高等教育发展的实践探索
並列篇名 Quest for the Practice of Development of Higher Education in Singapore after Access to WTO
作者 牛欣欣 、洪成文
中文摘要 作为较早加入世界贸易组织的成员国之一,新加坡并未签署开放教育市场的协议,未作出教育承诺。然而,它却积极顺应经济全球化、教育国际化的要求,在实践中不断推动本国高等教育的国际化,大力提高高等教育的质量和水平,新加坡的诸多举措与作出教育承诺的国家并无本质区别。本文研究了入世后新加坡采取一系列高等教育发展措施,探讨了其高等教育发展的成功经验,以期为入世后中国高等教育的发展提供些许有益的启示。
英文摘要 As one of the early members of the World Trade Organization, Singapore has neither subscribed the agreement of opening the educational market, nor made the educational commitments. However, it actively responds to the demand of the economic globalization and educational internationalization, continually promotes the internationalization of higher education, and greatly improves the quality and level of higher education in practice. What she has done makes no essential differences from the countries which have made the educational commitments. This paper investigates a series of steps taken by Singapore after the access to WTO, discusses the successful experience of its development in higher education, in order to provide some useful apocalypse for the development of higher education in China after access to WTO.
頁次 85-90
關鍵詞 高等教育 WTO 新加坡 Higher education access to WTO Singapore CSSCI
卷期 26:9
日期 200509
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所