

篇名 美国大学集体谈判制度的形成与发展
並列篇名 The Development of Faculty Collective Bargaining System in American Colleges and Universities
作者 李子江
中文摘要 集体谈判是大学管理当局与教师代表通过协商谈判,雇佣双方达成关于各自应该履行的责任和权利、义务关系等方面的协议。美国大学集体谈判制度产生的主要原因是保障高校教师的经济、职业安全,争取学术自由与终身聘任制等方面的合法权益。美国教师联合会和全国教育协会的积极推动促成了集体谈判制度的建立,美国大学教授协会的认可则是集体谈判制度得以推行的重要影响因素。集体谈判制度在保护高校教师的学术自由与终身聘任制权利方面发挥了十分重要的作用,成为美国高校教师管理中较有特色的一种制度。
英文摘要 Faculty Collective Bargaining is to negotiate about responsibilities and rights between colleges and universities' authorities and faculty delegates. Its main intention is to protect faculty's economic status and professional safety, and strive for academic freedom and tenure rights. American Federation of Teachers and National Education Association have played a very important role in advocating Faculty Collective Bargaining. Faculty Collective Bargaining, authorized by Association of American University Profess, has been a very important means in protecting faculty’s academic freedom and tenure rights. It is a system with unique characteristics in faculty management of American colleges and universities.
頁次 23-27
關鍵詞 教师管理 集体谈判 学术自由 终身聘任制 faculty management faculty collective bargaining academic freedom tenure CSSCI
卷期 27:3
日期 200603
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所