

篇名 日本大学第三者评价的运行机制
並列篇名 The Operation System of The Third-party Evaluation of Japanese Universities
作者 张爱
中文摘要 在日本大学第三者评价中,文科省、评价机构和大学是相互统一又相互制约的关系。本文以第三者评价的法律性文件《学校教育法》为依据,从第三者评价运行的过程出发,对第三者评价运行过程中文科省、评价机构和大学的相互关系进行分析。
英文摘要 The third-party evaluation is a part of the Japanese university evaluation system. Its operation is controlled by the interaction among 文部省, evaluation organizations and universities. The three parties forms the relationship of law, unity and bind to each other in the interaction process. We should notice the advantages of the third-party evaluation as well as respecting the needs of the three parties respectively in quality assurance and improvement of higher education.
頁次 70-74
關鍵詞 第三者评价 运行机制 CSSCI
卷期 27:4
日期 200604
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所