

篇名 我国大学双语教学的”缺乏”
並列篇名 The Deficiency of Bilingual Teaching Our Country’s Universities
作者 华晓玉 、黄芳
中文摘要 自从2001年8月教育部提出”积极使用英语等外语进行教学”以来,我国大学的双语教学迅速开展起来。从实施的效果来看,虽然取得了一定的成续,但是仍然存在很多不如人意的地方。本文主要从我国现阶段大学双语教学存在的不足方面入手,从教学目标、人力和物力资源、课程体系、教学方法四个方面分析了我国大学双语教学的”缺乏”问题。
英文摘要 The ministry of education put forward “using English and the other foreign languages to teach students positively” since 9, 2001, the bilingual teaching develops rapidly in our country’s universities. From the practical effect, though we achieve some success, there are a lot of unsatisfying problems. This article mainly starts with the deficiency of bilingual teaching of our country’s universities at present, and analyzes this problem from four aspects, that is, the teaching objective, manpower and material resources, the curriculum system, the teaching method.
頁次 62-64
關鍵詞 双语教学 教学目标 教师 学生 教材 课程体系 教学方法 Bilingual teaching teaching objective teacher student teaching material curriculum system teaching method CSSCI
卷期 1:6
日期 200311
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學