

篇名 同儕互評: 寫作教學的補充方法
並列篇名 Peer Review: A Supplementary Method in Writing Class
作者 張志豪(Chih Hao Chang)
中文摘要 雖然眾多的研究,已經在英語為第二語言和第二語言的寫作課程使用同儕互評活動,但是仍然很多臺灣的老師和學生,並不了解此活動可以在他們的寫作課堂上帶來多大的效益。這篇文章主要針對同儕互評活動概述其優缺點,並且在同儕互評實行前、實行期間、實行後提供相對的建議。此研究發現,學生在同儕互評活動上,學習到如何對同儕提出反饋與接受反饋。參與此項活動的研究對象也相當滿意所接受到的反饋,進而提升了對參與英文寫作的興趣、動機和自信心。對於提出反饋的時候,大部分的研究對象都盡可能去解決他們所面臨的困難,以便能夠提供到正確的評論,因此展現負責的學習態度。同儕互評也促使研究對象察覺到語言學習的不同角度,更加成功地提升其英文寫作的表現。
英文摘要 Although a variety of research has been done on the use of peer review activities in English as a second language (ESL) and second language (L2) writing classes, many Taiwanese teachers and students lack awareness of its effectiveness in their context. This article aims to summarize the pros and cons of peer review and to provide suggestions for before, during, and after peer review. The study findings revealed that students had learned many from receiving and giving peer feedback. The subjects seemed satisfied with the peer feedback they received, and their interest, motivation, and confidence increased due to their expanded participation and feedback. In giving peer feedback, most subjects tried their best to solve the difficulties they faced in order to provide accurate comments, thus demonstrating a desire to be responsible for their own learning. The use of peer review allowed them to perceive their language learning in a different way, which may lead to a higher success rate in students’ writing performance.
頁次 049-074
關鍵詞 同儕互評 寫作 反饋 效益 peer review writing feedback effectiveness
卷期 14:1
日期 201601
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學