

篇名 由《惡魔教室》(The Wave)反思公民教育推動之啟示
並列篇名 An Exploration of "The Wave" and Its Implications for Civic Education
作者 李珮瑜
中文摘要 全球化時代,人們彼此相互一體,和環境息息相關,批判意識與自覺之素養與行動對公民而言相當重要。隨著社會趨勢的轉變,學生主體權愈來愈受到重視。在強調民主的學習環境裡,「友善校園」為大家所重視。本研究藉文獻分析省思《惡魔教室》(TheWave)影片傳達之理念,反思公民教育推動之啟示。該影片改編自美國「加州」某高中的真實故事,教師在教室執行實驗課程,教導學生專制獨裁之意義,但因實驗過程失控,出現問題。影片主要傳達納粹思想、法西斯的魅力及其對人之影響,並可連結公民教育。研究者結合Freire、Fromm及Marcuse反思相關問題。首先,介紹《惡魔教室》及其傳達之理念;其次,論述臺灣公民教育推動之現況與挑戰;復次,由《惡魔教室》論公民教育之意蘊;最後,提出相關結語,希冀對公民教育與未來研究有所助益,期能建構「友善校園」的文化及「民主」之氛圍。
英文摘要 In modern society, people have closely bound up, the critical literacy has played an important part for citizen. In this article, the researcher has explored “The Wave” by means of literacy analysis and has reflected on civic education . This movie was revised from the true story which took place in Californian senior high school. One of teachers who wanted to teach students about conception of tyranny by way of experiment; however, the process was out of control and caused great problem. Therefore, the aim of this article was interpreted the conception “The Wave” and its meaning. Moreover, the researcher has discussed the conception of civic education and its situation in Taiwan; finally, the implication for civic education from the side of “The Wave” has be addressed.
頁次 049-064
關鍵詞 《惡魔教室》 公民 公民教育 “The Wave” civic civic education
卷期 231
日期 201307
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司