

篇名 腦性麻痺青年自我概念之個案研究
並列篇名 Self-Concept of Young Adult With Cerebral Palsy: A Case Study
作者 李如鵬 、楊招謨
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討就業中腦性麻痺青年的自我概念特徵,以單一個案為研究對象,利用訪談方式收集資料,分析腦性麻痺青年在家庭自我、社會自我、個人自我、身體自我及職業自我等各個向度的特徵,進一步探究影響自我概念的相關因素,研究者依據研究結果提出若干建議,期待對腦性麻痺青年的自我概念發展有所幫助。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to understand character of the self-concept of young adult with cerebral palsy on the job. The main subject of this research was single case. Data was collected through interviewing method and to analyze it. It was concluded that the subjects' self-concept consisted of six facets: family self-concept, social self-concept, personal self-concept, physical self-concept, vocational self-concept and to probe into the influential factors. Based on the finding of this study, some suggestions were made for facilitating the self-concept development of young adult with cerebral palsy.
頁次 205-230
關鍵詞 腦性麻痺 自我概念 個案研究 cerebral palsy self concept case study
卷期 12
日期 200406
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系