

篇名 幼儿教师教学节奏调控能力的研究
並列篇名 Research on Preschool Teacher's Controlling Capacity of Teaching Rhythm
作者 陈连孟 、蔡岳建
中文摘要 教学节奏是教学过程中各种可比因素连续不断地呈现出一定规律性的教学变化形式。本研究对重庆市四所幼儿园的在职教师和一所师范大学的实习教师进行教师节奏调控现状的问卷调查,在此基础上对六名幼儿教师进行半结构性访谈;经SPSS13.0统计分析得出幼儿教师教学节奏调控分数。文章从教师专业发展的教育学立场出发,提出幼儿教师入职前教育应增加教育实习时间,加强教学技能训练,建立面向实践的课程体系;幼儿教师专业发展应加强教学技能交流,主动进行教育行动研究和教师培训,着力提高教师的教学节奏调控能力。
英文摘要 Teaching rhythm means that all kinds of comparable teaching factors change continuously and regularly in teaching process. Teaching control is defined as teachers adjust or control the students and other teaching factors effectively ensure the teaching activities process smoothly. The survey studies on the could-be teachers in four kindergartens and a normal university reels the preschool teachers’ current state of control on teaching rhyme. Based on this, the author interviewed some of them form such dimensions as the preschool teachers control on teaching times, teaching contents, teaching process, teaching language, and students’ thought and attention through the statistical and analysis of the mentioned by use spss13 0, the preschool teacher’s controlling conditions teaching rhymes be concluded. At last, the author propose some suggestions form perspective of teachers’ professional development that the preschool teachers should not only communicate more each other on teaching skills and do more educational action research actively, but also improve their controlling abilities on teaching rhythm by teacher training.
頁次 084-092
關鍵詞 幼儿教师 教学节奏 教学调控 师专业发展 preschool teacher teaching rhythm teaching control teachers' professional development
卷期 9:2
日期 201204
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學