

篇名 战略性、渐进性动态均衡与次优制度创新 ─ 高校人事管理改革理念、任务、思路、路径
並列篇名 The Links of Strategical & Progressive Dynamic Balance with Innovation of Subsidiary System ─ The Rationale, Mission, Strategy and Approach of Personnel Management Reforms in Higher Education
作者 周志成
中文摘要 高校人事管理改革面临深层的结构性问题,需要理念的创新。战略性人才资源管理的基本理念是:战略化、社会化、国际化、市场化、分散化、整体化。其基本任务是:重点突破,整体推进,通过序列改革,逐步建立以岗位管理为核心的简洁、高效、内在统一的人事管理新体系。改革以制度保障为前提,次优改革是唯一可行的有效制度改革选择,渐进化动态均衡改革是提高制度创新效率的必由之路。
英文摘要 In the process of reforming our universities personnel management, there pose a structural problem which will be solved through changing our ideas. This paper puts forward some basic ideas in managing our personnel system:well─planning, socialization, marketlization, decentralization and integration. In details, the universities should gradually promote the reforms of the whole personnel system with a focus so that to establish an effective and simplified personnel management system which is based on position administration. We consider well─established systems and regulations are prerequisite for personnel reform, and the innovation of subsidiary system is only choice to guarantee these reforms. Additionally, the reforms with progressive dynamic balance is recommended.
頁次 32-35
關鍵詞 高校 人事管理 改革 战略 University personnel management reform strategy CSSCI
卷期 3:3
日期 200505
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學