

篇名 从个体学习到团队学习 ─ 当代学习理论与实践发展的趋势
並列篇名 From Individual Learning to Team Learning:A new trend in contemporary learning theories and practices
作者 桑新民
中文摘要 随着学习研究的深入和学习观念的更新,学习的主体意识在学生、教师和家长中不断强化,但大多数人对学习主体的理解,都停留在个体学习的层次和水平。本文阐述了学习主体从个体向团队的拓展和提升这一当代学习理论与实践发展的趋势,较深入地探讨了个体学习、协作学习和团队学习的区别与内在联系并从时代高度论证了在我国学校教育中的倡导团队学习的价值和意义。
英文摘要 With the advancement of researches on learning and the updating lf learning concepts, the idea of subject─position in learning is reinforced among students, teachers, and parents. However, most people understand subject─position at the individual level. This article illustrates the trend of promoting subject─position from the individual level to the team level in contemporary learning theories and practices, and explores the relations and differences among individual learning, collaborative learning, and team learning, and finally clarifies the value and significance of team learning in school education.
頁次 11-13
關鍵詞 团队学习 协作学习 学习主体 Team learning collaborative learning subject─position in learning CSSCI
卷期 3:4
日期 200507
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學