

篇名 幼稚園英語課教師課堂管理之個案研究
並列篇名 A Case Study of Teachers' Control in a Kindergarten English Classroom
作者 吳雅玲(Wu, Ya-ling)
中文摘要 本研究以一所私立幼稚園大班的英語課堂為研究情境,以此班學生、中外籍英語教師與帶班老師為對象。目的為瞭解英語課上,帶班與中外籍英語教師的課堂管理基本模式。本研究採觀察、訪談及文件收集等方式蒐集資料且依教育民族誌觀點進行,並依紮根理論研究法分析資料。研究發現英語課堂上,帶班教師負責秩序管理,以強勢的主導策略,運用言語、眼神、表情等媒介及嚴厲的處罰掌控學生行為。中籍英語教師採班級工作經營與軟性主導策略規範幼兒:外籍教師探幽默說理的接收策略。中外籍英語教師的差異顯露各自於東西方文化下各異的生長背景、幼教觀及教學責任。
英文摘要 The purpose of the study is to explore the general patterns of teachers' control in a English classroom of the senior class in May May Kindergarten, including homeroom teacher's and English teachers' control. Besides, to understand the difference between the native English teacher's control and the foreign English teacher's is the other purpose. The case study uses the educational ethnographic approach and data is collected through participant observation, videorecording, interview, and document gathering. The data is analyzed according to Grounded Theory. The findings are the followings. 1. The homeroom teacher is a disciplinarian, who uses the rigid
頁次 177-200
關鍵詞 幼兒英語 師生互動 教師管理 English teaching for young children Teacher-pupil interaction Teacher's control TSSCI
卷期 25
日期 200512
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系