

篇名 試論中外高校學生自治權的來源與依據
並列篇名 The origin and foundation of the right of university and college students’ autonomy both home and overseas
作者 周湘林
中文摘要 中外高校学生自治权可以从历史来源与法理或法律依据两个维度,运用经验推定与超验推定这两种权利推定方式来进行考察、分析。高校学生自治权从中世纪走来,高歌之后渐趋沉寂,现代以来,又开始登上高校历史舞台。公平与正义、平等、民主与自由、受教育权是分析与推定高校学生自主权的法理基础。在我国,学生自治历史并不悠久,法律也并没有明确赋予高校学生自治权,但依据我国高校学生自治的历史及相关法律条款可以间接推定我国高校学生拥有一定的自治权。弄清楚这些问题,对于我国《高等教育法》的修改和完善有一定的参考价值。
英文摘要 The right of university and college students’ autonomy both home and overseas was analyzed and inferred by using experimental deduce and trans-experimental deduce. Students’ autonomy originated in Middle Ages, highly advocated and subsided in the course of history. In modern age, students’ autonomy again resumed its position in higher education institutes. The concept of justice, fairness and equality, democracy and freedom and the right of receiving education is the legal foundation of students’ autonomy. Though the history of students’ autonomy in China is not long and no laws clearly stipulate the right of autonomy, it can still be inferred that students in Chinese higher institutes can enjoy the right of autonomy.
頁次 53-58
關鍵詞 高校 foundation origin the right of students’ autonomy university and college 法理或法律依據 歷史來源 學生自治權 CSSCI
卷期 6:6
日期 200811
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學