

篇名 基于BBS平台的在线实时教学研究
並列篇名 Study of BBS ─ based Real ─ time Online Teaching
作者 徐国保
中文摘要 基于BBS平台的在线实时教学是远程开放教育中师生实时互动的重要方式。众多研究表明,提升在线实时教学效果关键在于提高教师的在线教学能力,包括教师要掌握在线实时教学活动的基本结构和操作流程,培养学生协作学习的意识,科学规划在线实时教学档目等。因此,笔者以多门课程基于BBS平台的在线实时教学为例,设计了基于BBS平台的在线实时教学的教学活动基本结构图、协作学习小组、BBS檔目。从实际应用效果来看,笔者的研究也提供了基于BBS平台的在线实时教学的有效模式。
英文摘要 BBS─based real─time online teaching is an important way for real─time interaction between teachers and students in open and distance education. A lot of research has shown that the improvement of teachers’ online teaching ability is the key to the enhancement of the real─time online teaching effect. This includes mastering the basic structure and flowchart of real─time online teaching activity, cultivating students’ collaborative learning awareness and planning real─time online teaching columns in a scientific way. The author, with many courses based on real─time BBS online teaching as examples, has devised the basic framework, collaborative learning groups and BBS column layout for the real─time online teaching activity. Meanwhile, from the perspective of practical effect, the study has also provided an effective pattern for BBS─based real─time online teaching.
頁次 64-68
關鍵詞 collaborative learning group real─time online teaching 协作学习小组 BBS 在线实时教学 CSSCI
卷期 14:5
日期 200810
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學