

篇名 美國擇校研究的理與方法述評
並列篇名 A Literature Review of Research on School Choice in America:Theories and Methods
作者 李湘萍
中文摘要 本文从理论基础和研究方法两个角度对美国择校研究进行梳理与简要评论,通过综述研究发现,美国择校研究具备多学科理论基础和较为科学、严谨的实证研究方法。受新自由主义思潮的影响,美国择校研究具备公共选择理论、民营化理论、教育选择理论等不同学科的理论基础;在研究方法上,美国择校研究注重研究方法与过程的科学性,而非研究结论的普适性。这些可以为我国今后的择校研究提供知识和方法上的参考与借鉴。
英文摘要 From the aspects of theories and research methods, this paper carries out a literature review of research on school choice in America. The review shows that present research on school choice in America has multi─discipline theoretical foundation and use scientific empirical research methods. Influenced by New Liberalism, the research on school choice in America is based on various theories such as public choice theory, privatization theory, theory of educational choice, etc. As far as the research methods are concerned, the scientific empirical methods rather than popularization of research findings are emphasized. These deserve our attention in the study of school choice issues.
頁次 31-34
關鍵詞 empirical methods theoretical foundation school choice 實證研究方法 擇校 理論基礎 CSSCI
卷期 30:10
日期 200810
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所