

篇名 上海市寄宿制高级中学办学效益的研究
並列篇名 A Study on the Production Efficiency of Boarding Schools in Shanghai
作者 王昕雄
中文摘要 从 1996年起,上海市政府决定激活在城乡结合部建立高标准、高质量的现代化寄宿制高中的项目。上海建设现代化寄宿制高中的目的在于扩大优质普通高中教育资源,然而,招生数的急遽扩大导致生源质量下降、生均经费居高不下、优秀教师资源的紧缺、毕业生高校升学率的变化等一系列问题。教育质量有没有下降,优质的教育资源是否真正扩大,是广大教育工作者和人民群众所关注的问题。本研究运用数据包络分析法评价寄宿制高中的办学效益,探究办学规模与办学效益之间的关系,以期得出一个科学合理的办学规模标准。
英文摘要 From 1996, Shanghai has been carrying out the project of building modern boarding high schools with high standard and quality in suburban areas. The main purpose is to expand “quality educational resources”. However, the quality of students was getting lower because of rapid expansion of student body;the spending level of these new boarding schools was staying high relative to any other key high schools:the promotion rate of high school graduates was changing... Whether the goal had been achieved is a problem, concerned by the larger society yet in question. In this study, he method of data envelopment analysis(DEA)is used to evaluate the production efficiency of these boarding schools, and to determine the relationships between scale and efficiency in running a school. This study aims at providing some suggestions to setting up scientific standards of scale for schools.
頁次 167-179
關鍵詞 寄宿制高中 办学规模 办学效益 DEA法 CSSCI
卷期 6:2
日期 200804
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學