

篇名 医学教育国际标准的开发和使用
並列篇名 Developmental and Utilization of the International Standards in Medical Education
作者 梅人朗
中文摘要 自1998年以来,世界卫生组织和世界医学教育联合会致力于开发医学教育的国际标准,包括基础医学教育、毕业后医学教育和继续医学教育。本文介绍了这些标准的背景、渉及的领域、以及使用中有待澄清的问题,以便为各国提高医学教育质量和建立评鉴制度提供指导。
英文摘要 Since 1998, WHO and WFME have devoted to develop international standards in medical education, including basic medical education, postgraduate medical education and continuing medical education. This paper introduced their fundamentals, areas concerned, and some problems to be classified in utilization in order to provide guideline for improving the medical education quality and establishing accreditation system in various countries.
頁次 77-81
關鍵詞 教育 医学 标准 开发 使用 education medical standard development utilization CSSCI
卷期 1:3
日期 200305
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學