

篇名 网名:透视大学生道德自我认识的窗口
並列篇名 Cyber-name:A Window to Reflect the Moral -self of College Students
作者 华伟
中文摘要 本文采用内容分析法,从 “网名”中透视当代大学生的道德自我认识,并将之分为四类:求上进,追求成就;尚独立,拒绝虚伪;非主流,标新立异;寻快乐,游战心理。”网名”的存在既证明了大学生的头脑中有一个独立的、主动的道德自我的存在,同时,也折射出网络交往环境中价值参照的多元。
英文摘要 The author uses the contents analysis to explore the moral─self of today’s college students from the angle of cyber─name and classified them into four types:First, making progress and pursuing success;Second, advocacy of independents and refusal of hypercritical personality;Third, disapproval of mainstream and being unique;Fourth, hunting for pleasure and the cynicism. The existence of the cyber─name has proved that there is an independent and active moral─self in the mind of college students, as well as the pluralism value in the environments of cyber─communication.
頁次 59-61
關鍵詞 网名 道德自我 圣-俗-游 Cyber-name moral self sanity-secular-cynicism CSSCI
卷期 1:6
日期 200311
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學